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Choco Snacks

Chestnuts Covered by Chocolate Bitter 70% Cocoa

Chocolate balls with chestnuts inside, finely packed in trilaminate bags for better conservation.

Almonds Covered by Chocolate Bitter 70% Cocoa

Chocolate balls with almonds inside, finely packed in trilaminate bags for better conservation.

Aguaymantos Covered by Chocolate Bitter 70% Cocoa

Chocolate balls with aguaymantos inside, finely packed in trilaminate bags for better conservation.

Peanuts Covered by Chocolate Bitter 70% Cocoa

Chocolate balls with peanuts inside, finely packed in trilaminated bags for better conservation.

Nibs Covered by Chocolate Bitter 70% Cocoa

Chocolate balls with nibs inside, finely packed in trilaminate bags for better conservation.